Overcoming Disappointment

Let's start a discussion about what has helped us overcome great disappointment.

When local Church leaders act in a way which destroys relationships and diminishes faith, it can be easy to find great discouragement as a result.

Particularly when the consequences of the leaders actions are diminished activity and feelings of inadequacy, that your own efforts to build the Kingdom in this area have been futile.

Rather than allow this disappointment to stew and create feelings of hatred towards those leaders, what can be done to move on, build faith and continue to progress in a positive way?  Please share your feelings and thoughts in the comments.

Personally, I have focused on building my personal relationship with God and our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  This is the most important thing we can do.  The actions of local leaders need not distract us from our personal journey, even though our own local contribution may be questioned.

As I have focused on my own relationship with God, and that of my family, the influence of local leaders have been put in their rightful place with no attention paid to them.  Much better!