I am reminded of the Saviour's example when he fed the hungry with 5 small Barley loaves and 2 small fishes. The food miraculously filled the multitude and some was left over. I have thought often what lesson was there here for us, or for me. I think that on several levels there are lessons to be learned, let me share just one.
I think that it was a way of the Saviour letting us know that in a real and direct sense, when we put our trust in him, our needs no matter how small shall be met.
Whether we are hungry or whether we are lonely, or whether we are reaching out for a lift or even if we are seeking for a higher and more profound experience. I am of the firm belief that only when we approach the metaphorical table before the Saviour and truly place our heart felt wishes and feelings upon that metaphorical table and then leave it up to him, that we are blessed. If we then work to our best ability to bring our wishes and feelings about, we are led. Doors will open, people will be placed on our path to help us achieve them.
One thing I have noticed in particular is that sometimes the journey can take unexpected twists and turns and whilst we may feel blindsided or completely without hope, the time will soon come when amidst prayer and reflection we will notice a higher hand has been leading us in a path which may have differed from what we wanted but will ultimately be better for us.
I heard it said once that Someone was led kicking and screaming to a place they had never wanted to be only to find it is where they needed to be.
I think to state and summarise the point more, would be to share an experience I once had in the Philippines. I lived and in Dumaguete at the time and noticed an aspect of my high school biology class come into being right before me. The principle was Geotropism.
Geotropism describes the condition that no matter which way a seed or tree or plant is planted - even upside down, the seedling, tree or plant will eventually right itself and grow upward.
I walked and worked amongst coconut trees that often from the ground were bent and disfigured, their trunks would often never grow straight up in the places where I served a mission. I became very aware and accepting of the chaos the trees looked like from the ground.
Only when I was transferred to Cebu and was flying out did I notice that tops of the trees were in perfect alignment, the canopy of palms formed perfect lines and from the sky looked ordered and symmetrical.
I was humbled and more aware than ever before that the Saviour and our Heavenly Father have all things before them they know the plan, they know us and see us so differently from where they reside.
We here on the ground have a distorted view and see our lives and perhaps the circumstances we live or find ourselves in, a little like the twisted coconut trees. I testify that if we place our trust in, and desires on, a loving Heavenly Father and His son, we will one day be participant witnesses to know that we were part of something too glorious for our present understanding. We will yet come to know that we were loved and led all the way, and the only time we were not, was when we thought we knew better and marched in a different direction. May we have the humility and wisdom sufficient to truly trust in the authors of life and walk humbly in the paths they will lead us in. CP
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